In guest house is 2 floors, where on the first floor is kitchen, and on the sicond floor is bedrooms, bathrooms + wc, balkon . Guest house is located on beatch of "Peipsi lake (which is 300m far). In guest house we have kitchen, where people can quietly kook. Also kitchen include overall fridge, microwave oven, 4х electro cooker, furnace, dishwasher and washing machine. In guest house there are 4 rooms with free WIFI wich 2 of them are three local and the last 2 is two local. You can also borrow a children's bed, unfortunately you can´t take your pets. There are 2 toilets with bathroom for 4 rooms. In bedrooms there are bed, cupboard with lock (which is in the corridor) nightstand and table lamp. In the area of guest house there are little children's corner + for little children rocker (0-5 years). For a separate fee you can borrow a brazier. Guest house is next to the owner house, also owner have a friendly dog, who loves to play with little chirdlen and addult, by requezt can put it on a chin.
Nearest shop is located 2 km from guest house (COOP), nearby there are caffe "Kohvik Kuld Fatum OÜ".
Price: 25€ per person.
(+372) 53 330 136
Location:Estonia, Jogeva County, parish Mustvee, Village Raja, Kalda Street, house number 35.